We have a wide range of
Our competitive advantage is having a wide range of fresh and frozen fish and shellfish from the Galician coast and the main ports of the north of Spain. Our fish are selected for their freshness at the port of origin. The processing, transport, and distribution are executed in the best way to ensure maximum quality and to maintain the culinary characteristics of the product.
Fresh fish
Thunnus alalunga bonaterre | Albacore tuna |
Lophius piscatoris | Angler |
Trachurus trachurus | Atlantic horse mackerel |
Scomber scombrus | Atlantic mackerel |
Brama brama | Atlantic pomfret |
Labrus bergylta | Ballan wrasse |
Atherina boyeri | Big-scale sand smelt |
Thunnus obesus | Bigeye tuna |
Lophius budegassa | Black-bellied angler, whole |
Pagellus bogaraveo | Blackspot / Red seabream |
Prionace glauca | Blue shark |
Micromesistius poutassou | Blue whiting |
Helicolenus dactylopterus | Bluemouth rockfish |
Boops boops | Bogue |
Scophthalmus rhombus | Brill |
Scomber Japonicus | chub mackerel |
Sepia officinalis | Common cuttlefish |
Limanda limanda | Common dab |
Solea vulgaris vulgaris | Common sole |
Loligo vulgaris | Common squid |
Sparus pagrus | Couch’s sea bream |
Eledone cirrosa | Curled octopus |
Epinephelus marginatus | Dusky grouper |
Engraulis encrasicholus | European anchovy |
Conger conger | European conger |
Merluccius merluccius | European hake from Gran Sol |
Merluccius merluccius | European hake from Gran Sol |
Mugil cephalus | Flathead grey mullet |
Sparus aurata | Gilt-head bream |
Zeus faber | John dory |
Scorparna crofa | Large-scaled scorpion fish |
Trichiurus lepturus | Largehead Hairtail / Atlantic cutlassfish |
Todaropsis eblanae | Lesser flying squid |
Molva molva | Ling |
Euthynnus alletteratus | Little tunny |
Lepidorhombus spp | Megrim from Gran Sol |
Scyliorhinus stellaris | Nursehound / Dogfish |
Sardina pilchardus | Pilchard |
Trigla Lyra | Piper gurnard |
ollachius pollachius | Pollack |
Trisopterus luscus | Pout |
Cepola macrophthalma | Red bandfish |
Beryx decadactylus | Red bream |
Mullus surmuletus | Red mullet |
Pollachius virens | Saithe |
Dicentrarchus labrax | Sea bass |
Gaidropsarus mediterraneus | Shore rockling |
Isurus oxyrhyncus | Shortfin mako |
Molva macrophtalma | Spanish ling |
Beryx splendens | Splendid alfonsino / Golden eye perch |
Xiphias gladius | Swordfish |
psetta maxima | Turbot |
Alosa fallax | twaite shad |
Diplodus sargus | White bream |
Glyptocephalus cynoglossus | Witch |
Merluccius hubsi | Argentinean hake |
Thunnus thynnus | Atlantic bluefin tuna |
Brama Brama | Atlantic pomfret |
Gadus morhua | Common atlantic cod |
Gadus morhua | Common atlantic cod |
Gadus morhua | Common atlantic cod |
Gadus morhua | Common atlantic cod |
Gadus morhua | Common atlantic cod |
Sepia officinalis | common cuttlefish ( Portuguese & French) |
Pollachius virens | Danish Saithe/ pollock |
Psetta maximus | Danish turbot |
Merluccius paradoxus | Deep-water cape hake |
Conger conger | European conger (French) |
Platichthys flesus | European flounder |
Dicentrarchus labrax | European seabass |
Loligo vulgaris | European squid (French, Dutch, English, Danish & Portuguese) |
Solea vulgaris vulgaris | French sole |
Acanthistius brasilianus | Grouper |
Limanda limanda | Irish dab |
Lepidorhombus spp | Irish megrim |
Lates niloticus | Nile perch |
Pollachius pollachius | Pollack |
Trisopterus luscus | Pouting |
Pollachius virens | Saithe/ pollock fillet |
Merluccius senegalensis | Senegalese Hake |
Merluccius capensis | Shallow-water cape hake |
Merluccius bilinearis | Silver hake |
Merluccius gayi | South Pacific hake |
Melanogrammus aeglefinus | Whiting fillet |
Thunnus albacares | Yellowfin tuna |
Salmo salar | Atlantic salmon |
Salmo trutta fario | brown trout |
Gadus morhua | cod |
Dicentrarchus labrax | European sea bass |
Sparus aurata | Gilthead seabream |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | Salmon-coloured rainbow trout |
Psetta maximus | Turbot |
Palaemon serratus | Common prawn |
Maja squinado | Common spider crab |
Cancer pagurus | Edible crab |
Homarus gammarus | European lobster |
Palinurus elephas | European spiny lobster |
Pollicipes cornucopiae | Goose neck barnacle |
Solen marginatus | Grooved Razor Shell |
Pecten maximus | King scallop ( French/Norwegian) |
Nephrops norvegicus | Norway lobster |
Scyllarus arctus | Slipper lobster |
Liocarcinus puber | Velvet swimming crab |
Frozen fish
Atlantic mackerel | Atlantic mackerel |
Micromesistius poutassou | Blue whiting |
Scomber Japonicus | Chub mackerel |
Engraulis encrasicholus | Engraulis encrasicholus |
Auxis thazard thazard | Frigate tuna |
Lophius piscatoris | Lophius piscatoris |
Merluccius merluccius | Merluccius merluccius |
Sardina pilchardus | Sardina pilchardus |
Todaropsis eblanae | Todaropsis eblanae |
Trachurus trachurus | Trachurus trachurus |
Fresh semi-processed fish
Hippoglossus hippoglossus | Atlantic halibut fillet |
Loligo japonica | Baby squid |
Micromesistius poutassou | Blue whiting fillet |
Salmo trutta | brown trout fillet |
Gadus morhua | Cod fillet |
Gadus morhua | Cod fillet |
Sepia officinalis | Common cutlassfish in water |
Molva molva | common ling roe |
Loligo vulgaris | common squid whole |
Illex illecebrosus | Dried northern shortfin squid rings |
Merluccius merluccius | Hake roe |
Dosidicus gigas | Jumbo flying squid |
Genypterus capensis | Kingklip fillet |
Lophius piscatorius | Monkfish bones |
Lophius piscatorius | Monkfish cheeks |
Lophius piscatorius | Monkfish liver |
Lophius piscatorius | Monkfish tail |
Illex illecebrosus | Northern shortfin squid tube |
Loligo vulgaris | Patagonian common squid in water |
Coryphaenoides rupestris | Roundnose grenadier |
Carcharhinus longimanus | Shark oil |
psetta maxima | turbot fillet |
Xiphias gladius | Vacuum-packed swordfish loins |
Thunnus obesus | Vacuum-packed tuna loins |